Product Description
Moly Manufacturing’s SILENCER hydraulic squeeze chute is the Industry Standard for healthy and happy animals. SILENCER's outstanding equipment design and superior construction gets the work done faster, quieter, and more efficiently with less animal and operator stress.
Hydraulic features make this product one of the safest and most versatile products in the industry. SILENCER chutes feature low pressure complete, opening action head & tail doors for advantageous cattle flow, hydraulic neck extender bars, hydraulic head restraint, adjustable neck bars, and extra neck access for precision vaccination placement.
SILENCER'S superior mainframe that is durable for the most demanding operations while provides full access to animal. SILENCER has many features that are long lasting, replaceable and greaseable.
Compare Moly’s SILENCER chute to other chutes on the market:
Pressure: Compare SILENCER's head door pressure compared to the old-style scissor gate's extreme high pressure and the rotary gate's wedging of uncontrollable high pressure on animal's neck.
Performance: Compare SILENCER's ability to control a 350 lb. - 2500 lb. animal, compared to the old-style scissor gate and rotary ability to properly hold various sizes of livestock.
Noise: Compare SILENCER's maximum chute in operation decibel reading compared to all other chutes maximum decibel reading while in operation. It's FACT: Brand "X" Chutes in Operation noise level Registers 100 Decibels. SILENCER Chutes in Operation Registers ONLY 89 Decibels***A variance in measured sound of 1 Decibel = An Increase in Loudness of About 20%***
The SILENCER comes in 6 models to fit each operation's needs:
Extended Models (Ranch Extended, Heavy Duty Extended, and Commercial Pro Extended)
Additional Add-on Options:
SILENCERs: Ranch, Heavy Duty, Commercial Pro, Extended, Galvanized, Tilt
Alleys: Single, Dual
Circular Fencing
Features & Benefits
Door Design: Patented door design uses less room to open and shut for operator safety.
Louvered Blinds: The angled, louvered blinds prevent animals from seeing humans in their flight zone when they enter the chute, reducing hesitation in moving forward to the head door, yet the operator's sight is not hindered. Animals stay calmer with less lunging and jumping while allowing the operator to work closer to the chute without causing agitation of the animal.
Hydraulic Neck Extender Bars: The hydraulic neck extender bars help control the animal’s positioning for added operator and animal safety.
Control and Accessibility
Equal Pressure: SILENCER is the only chute with true equal pressure (200 PSI) – top to bottom – for maximum animal control and extended chute life.
Lower Squeeze: The lower body hydraulic squeeze holds the animal in place for maximum control. Both sides adjust on the hydraulic lower squeeze and can accommodate a side exit on one or both sides for a full-sized drop pan. Some chutes sacrifice the lower half of drop pan accessibility with a hydraulic lower squeeze.
Neck Access: The design minimizes choke-down with neck extension bars controlling head location, yet allowing neck access. Neck bars are adjustable for different sizes of cattle. The only chute to provide 16'' of accessible neck area per sidegate with proper restraint. Consider the economic benefits of SILENCER's extra neck access for precision vaccinating. 4'' of neck access room between the neck extension bars and the head door; 12'' extra neck access behind the head door. Only SILENCER provides the most neck injection area while still holding the animal securely for precision vaccination placement on 350 lb. to 2500 lb. animals.
Head Control: SILENCER’s hydraulic neck bars provide more neck access by controlling the animal’s head three ways: left, right and straight ahead. The neck bars provide 16 inches of extra neck access per side gate for precision vaccination placement. Soft rubber cushions on the hydraulic head restraints and neck bars provide a quick efficient way to control head for vaccinating, mouthing, drenching, and tagging or other access to the neck area. "They can only wiggle their ears." ~ Jeff Martindale, Brewster, Nebraska.
Reduced Stress and Injury
Full-opening Doors: Moly’s patented full-opening doors help keep animals calm in the chute and reduce their hesitation, providing the industry’s most efficient flow in and out of the chute. The head door is wrapped in rubber to prevent shoulder damage.
Rubber Neck Bars: Moly’s design makes sure animals’ heads and necks are protected with soft rubber neck bars, greatly reducing injury and bruising.
Safety Pin: The hydraulic head restraint has a shear pin allowing the head restraint bar to break away, preventing injury to the animal or damage to the equipment should operator error occur during the use of the restraint.
Equal Pressure: Moly’s head door uses the least amount of pressure (top-to-bottom) on the animal at 200 PSI, minimizing animal stress and injury. A preset pressure relief valve directs large volumes of oil at low pressure, assuring head gate quickness yet light pressure on the animal. These head doors keep the animal calm by removing the opportunity to work itself into a frenzy jerking it's head around.
Better Than the “Scissor Gate” Design: Compare Moly’s SILENCER chute’s superior design to the outdated “scissor gate” chute design and calculate the costs. The outdated “scissor gate” design is highly stressful on the animal and the operator and causes inefficient cattle flow. It restricts access with openings of only 12”, there is no control of head (left, right and straight) and they work like a "nutcracker" to exert intense pressure at the bottom of the "V" where contact is made on the animal’s body causing hesitation, jumping, & lunging when entering chute--greatly hindering cattle flow. Without a full louver set the cattle see the operator in their flight zone. This increases the stress on the animal and they enter the chute harder and faster. Without rubber on the “scissor gate” the animal will sustain bruising and injury. The old-style “nutcracker” head gates don’t open completely nor do they move slightly forward to provide a sense of forward movement, so the animal is inclined to jump out or trip causing potential leg, shoulder, or back injuries. Brands that claim “parallel closing action top-to-bottom” have no head control top-to-bottom, which causes extra stress on the animal, and can be dangerous to the chute operator. Moly’s chute design addresses all these issues and more, making your operation more efficient and putting more money in your pocket. If you were an animal, which would you choose?
Noise Reduction
Sheathed Contact Points: SILENCER's patented Noise Reduction System (NRS) consists of oil-based, high density polyethylene material covering the 130 contact points located on both squeeze panels, guaranteeing a quiet chute over its operating life. All other chutes can’t be quiet in operation. Moly’s patented noise reduction system (NRS) helps keep cattle calm.
No Steel-on-Steel: SILENCER's “Smooth-Action” drop bar and drop pan latches have no steel-on-steel contact points, virtually eliminating the steel-on-steel chatter of other manufactures chutes that will only get noisier over time!
Pump System: The SILENCER offers a quiet hydraulic pump system.
NRS Reputation: Moly’s patented NRS has earned an industry-wide reputation among the nation’s livestock facility experts for promoting operator comfort and safety, and at the same time providing a quieter, less stressful environment for livestock.
Automatic Size Adjustment: The combination of SILENCER's patented full-opening head doors and the pre-set pressure relief valve permits the head doors to close only as far as needed making the chute adjustable for animals from 350 lb. to 2500 lb with little or no chute adjustment.
Adjustable Clearance: The patented doors offer clearance so full-term cows and herd bulls enter and exit the chute without hanging up their lower bodies.
Hydraulic Neck Bars: You can use it on all sizes, from a herd bull to a short yearling calf, with no need to re-set the bars for each animal.
Promotes Efficient Flow
Full Opening Doors: The Sliencer’s patented head and tail doors open fully, top to bottom, for the industry's most advantageous cattle flow. When the animal approaches or exits the chute, SILENCER's full opening tail door reduces hesitation and tripping.
Hydraulic Neck Bars: The flexibility of the hydraulic neck bars promotes chute flow because there’s no need to re-set the bars for each animal.
Chute Entrance and Exit: SILENCER’s head doors move slightly forward and ahead while completely opening, giving the animal the sense that they can move ahead. The SILENCER is also designed so the animal doesn’t have to step over, trip, or jump when entering or exiting the chute.
Maintenance and Durability
Easy Maintenance: Moly Manufacturing thinks that welded on components only hinder a good maintenance program. SILENCER's drop panels are constructed of high test 45,000 PSI steel and are designed for full access to the entire bottom of the animal; door can easily be removed by sliding lowered door to one side. Drop gate and drop pan latches are adjustable and easily replaced by removing top bolt. Both latches are designed to assure single-handed operation. The oil-based urethane bearings are self-lubricating, non-corrosive and easily replaceable. SILENCER's main cylinder pins have grease zerks installed for superior maintenance on SILENCER's Ranch, Heavy Duty and Commercial Pro models. SILENCER is the only chute with this feature and we question other brands’ claims of "no linkage" or "wear points".
Easy Cleaning: The standard mechanical lower squeeze has a latch adjustment shaft that flips up for easy clean-out. The rebar floor allows manure to fall through the floor of the chute, keeping the SILENCER Chute cleaner during processing.
Durability: Our greaseable rocker shaft roller bearings and main cylinder pins provide extra smooth action and long life on Heavy Duty and Commercial Pro models. SILENCER's "Smooth-Action" drop bar and drop pan latches have no steel-on-steel contact points.
Replaceable Parts: Many parts on the SILENCER are replaceable and greaseable in order to extend the life of your system. SILENCER’s modular design makes replacing all main pivot points simple. Head and tail doors are interchangeable by quickly removing bolts and nuts. SILENCER's drop bars are replaceable on Heavy Duty and Commercial Pro models. Take out one bolt, remove drop bar, clean out hair and debris, and re-install drop bar to add years to chute life.
Non-flexible Superior Mainframe: SILENCER’s structurally superior mainframe is built to prevent frame flex with a minimum 4x2 (or 4x3 corresponding to the chute model) steel framework, instead of other chute brands’ 2 ½ x 2 ½ frames. SILENCER’s 4” mainframe steel floor dimension controls the thrust exerted on the framework when the animal enters the head door, providing superior frame durability and chute longevity.
Customizable & Portable
Each Chute is Custom Built: Each SILENCER Hydraulic Squeeze Chute is custom built to meet the needs of each customer’s operation. Tell us about your livestock operation and we'll help you select the SILENCER options to maximize your livestock processing operations.
Complete System or Stand-Alone Product: Moly's Flight Zone Avoidance System with TurretGate is available as the complete System or as a stand-alone products.
Portable: Moly’s SILENCER is easily portable and offers three different carriers: Yoke, Carry-All and Overhead carrier.
Pivot Controls
Easy Adjustments – Optional Pivot controls allow the chute control lever bank to be easily moved from side-to-side, or from front-to-back of the chute, by simply pivoting the chute controls. They adjust vertically up and down for maximum operator comfort.
Operator Safety – The SILENCER pivot controls provide operator safety since the chute controls are available for operation of the chute on only one side at a time, as opposed to dual control chutes, which require additional and careful communication between chute operators on both sides to assure safe operation.
Availability – Pivot controls are available on Ranch, Ranch Extended, Heavy Duty, Heavy Duty Extended, Commercial Pro, Commercial Pro Extended and Galvanized SILENCER chute models.
Louvers – SILENCER's angled, louvered blinds prevent animals from seeing humans in their flight zone when they enter the chute, and reduces hesitation in moving forward to the head gate without hindering the Chute operator's sight.
Side Exit – Side Exit is available on the right, left or both, and is available with both mechanical or hydraulic lower squeeze. A dual side exit allows the chute to be used for fitting.
Hydraulic Lower Squeeze
Maximum Head Control and Neck Access – To achieve maximum head control and neck access for precision vaccination placement, a squeeze chute must have maximum body control! SILENCER has the most inward travel as a separate function. That means a chute's hydraulic lower squeeze must be a separate function from the top squeeze, and must be designed to use continuously.
Prevent Dropping – Use hydraulic lower squeeze to keep animals from dropping down in the chute. Other brands of hydraulic squeezers don’t have enough lower squeeze adjustment to prevent cattle from dropping.
Adjustable – SILENCER's dual cylinder hydraulic lower squeeze system is designed for operations that require adjustment from large to small livestock quickly. Switch from 350 lb. to 2500 lb. animals with little or no adjustment with SILENCER's total opening door system, using hydraulic lower squeeze. Both sides adjust on SILENCER's hydraulic lower squeeze and a side exit is available on one or both sides, as well as a full-sized drop pan.
Equal Pressure – SILENCER Chutes use four squeeze panel connector points with large pyramid gussets on standard length chutes. Two additional squeeze panel connector points are added to SILENCER extended chute models. The SILENCER gussets cover 40% of the chute's top mainframe, equalizing the squeeze pressure from front to rear on squeeze panels. To cut costs, some chutes use only two squeeze connector points, creating a twisting effect on the squeeze gates, with most of the pressure being at the front of the chute. This twisting effect starts breakage and leads to frame failure.
Hydraulic Neck Bars
Neck Access and Control – SILENCER’s hydraulic neck bars provide more neck access by controlling the animal’s head three ways: left, right and straight ahead for vaccinating, mouthing, drenching, tagging, RFID, ect. This control adds to the operators’ and animals’ safety and promotes efficient flow with no need to reset the bars for each additional animal or adjust the bars based on the various sizes of cattle. The neck bars provide 16 inches of extra neck access per side gate for precision vaccination placement. Soft rubber cushions on the hydraulic head restraints and neck bars provide a quick efficient way to control head for vaccinating, mouthing, drenching, and tagging or other access to the neck area. "They can only wiggle their ears."
Hydraulic Head Restraint
Head Control – A quick efficient way to control the head to one side with access to the neck area for vaccinating, mouthing, drenching, tagging, RFID, etc. Control of the head makes safer environment for the operator and keeps the animal calm by removing the opportunity to work itself into a frenzy by jerking head around. A pre-set pressure relief valve that directs large volumes of oil at low pressure assures the quickness of the hydraulic head restraint operation—yet light pressure on the animal.
Adjustable – The hydraulic head restraint adjusts for various sizes of cattle.
Safety Pin – A shear pin allows the head restraint bar to break away, preventing injury to animal or damage to the equipment should operator error occur during the use of the restraint.
Use – To use the hydraulic head restraint, remove the standard neck extension bar located opposite the head restraint. The hydraulic restraint in vertical position works as a neck extension bar with neck access when extra control of head isn’t required. The hydraulic head restraint can easily be removed if not needed.
Neck Extension Bar
Gentle – SILENCER's head door is wrapped in rubber to prevent slippage, shoulder damage, or injury to the animal. The design minimizes choke-down with neck extension bars controlling head location.
Automatic Adjustment – The neck extension bars allow neck access and are adjustable for different sizes of cattle.
Additional Neck Access -- Only Moly's SILENCER provides the most neck injection area while still holding the animal securely for precision vaccinations on 350 lb. to 2500 lb. animals. The SILENCER provides 4" of neck access room between the neck extension bars and the head door and 12" extra neck access behind the head door for a total of 16" extra neck access per side gate.
De-horner Head Restraint
Access – The hydraulically operated de-horner head restraint pushes the animal's head down making horns more accessible.
Use – The chute’s head doors can be released quickly at any time, even when the de-horner head restraint is in use.
Options – The SILENCER de-horner head restraint can be used along with the adjustable neck extension bars and the hydraulic head restraint.
Rear Walk-Through Doors
Options -- Rear walk through doors (palpation doors) are available on SILENCER Extended Ranch, Extended Heavy Duty and Extended Commercial Pro Chute Models. Extended Model Chutes are built extra long to all the operator to completely step in behind the animal in the chute for AI, semen checking, pregnancy checking, embryo transfer, ect. Anything less is not a true palpation door. The rear walk through door is an option also available on standard length SILENCER Chutes to be used for cutting bulls or for use with yearling/smaller cattle.
Use – SILENCER's rear walk-through doors are located inside the mainframe sides and squeeze along with the chute sides. The doors and side panels adjust to keep small cattle from turning around. The door can easily be removed by sliding lowered door to one side for full access to the entire bottom of the animal. A half drop panel is designed to give the operator partial access to the bottom of the animal, without having to lower the pan. The half drop pan can be used with the leg puller.
Safety – SILENCER's tail doors stop additional on-coming cattle from entering the Chute with operator is inside walk through door.
Options – Rear walk through doors (palpation doors) are available on SILENCER Extended Ranch, Extended Heavy Duty and Extended Commercial Pro chute models. Extended Model chutes are built extra long to allow the operator to completely step in behind the animal in the chute for AI, semen checking, pregnancy checking, embryo transfer, etc. Anything less is not a true palpation door. The rear walk through door is an option also available on standard length SILENCER chutes to be used for cutting bulls or for use with yearling/smaller cattle.
Additional Neck Access – Only Moly’s SILENCER provides the most neck injection area while still holding the animal securely for precision vaccination on 350 lb. to 2500 lb. animals. The SILENCER provides 4" of neck access room between the neck extension bars and the head door and 12" extra neck access behind the head door for a total of 16” extra neck access per side gate. Some chutes on the market have a design flaw of about 11 inches of inaccessible neck area per side gate. Consider the economic benefits of SILENCER's extra neck access for precision vaccinating.
Rebar Floor – SILENCER's optional slotted high test rebar floor will outlast the mild steel 3/4" channel slotted floors used on other chute brands. Slotted floor consists of 3/4'' high tensile rebar with a 3/4'' spacing between. The rebar floor allows manure to fall through the floor of the chute, keeping the chute cleaner during processing.
Hydraulic Kick Bar
Safety – The NEW standard in added safety. No more posts, no more pipe. Have you ever tried sliding a post or pipe in behind an animal only to have the animal kick the post or pipe? The post or pipe can be more dangerous than the animal’s kick.
No Backing Up – Kick bars also discourage the animal from backing up in the SILENCER chute when exiting chute.
Brisket Bar – May be used on mature animals. Bar is easily removed by loosening two acorn nuts.
Electric Power Supply – SILENCER electric power supplies include a top of the line Baldor 5 HP electric motor and industrial vane pump. Available in 220 single and 3-phase, equipped with standard oil breather/fill cap, spin-on filter and reservoir in a self-contained unit.
Gas Power Supply – The Honda 6.5 HP gas pump for use in remote operations is equipped with dual spool valve with pressure relief, reservoir, oil filter, and female quick couplers. The gas-carrying package includes handles for easy transport.
Platform Scale – SILENCER offers two scale options: Platform scales and Overhead scales. Moly’s low profile platform scale mounts keep scale low to ground for increased flow in and out of the chute.
Overhead Scale – Promotes longer scale life and easier clean-up. Photo shows overhead scale in lifted position for easy clean-out.
If Chute has Front-Back Pivot Controls - Add 3" to Height
If Chute has Side-Side Pivot Controls - Add 5" to Height
Each chute comes with a one-year warranty
Ranch: 4" x 2" x 1/8", rectangular tubing, 2" x 2" square tubing
Heavy-Duty: 4" x 2" x 3/16", rectangular tubing, 2" x 2" square tubing
Commercial Pro: 4" x 2" x 5/16", rectangular tubing, 2" x 2" square tubing
Ranch: (5) 4 x 2 cylinders, (1) 2 x 6 cylinder, main cylinder pins greaseable
Heavy-Duty and Commercial Pro: (6) 4 x 2 cylinders, (1) 2 x 6 cylinder, (8) greaseable sealed bearings on main rockshaft linkage pivot points
Head & Tail Doors:
Ranch and Heavy-Duty: Full-opening and fully sheeted
Commercial Pro, Ranch Extended, Heavy-Duty Extended, Commercial Pro Extended: Full-opening and fully sheeted; wedge tail doors
Overall Outside Length:
Ranch, Heavy-Duty, Commercial Pro: 102"
Ranch Extended, Heavy-Duty Extended, Commercial Pro Extended: 130 1/2"
Overall Inside Length:
Ranch, Heavy-Duty, Commercial Pro: 91"
Ranch Extended, Heavy-Duty Extended, Commercial Pro Extended: 120 1/2"
Side Gates:
Ranch: 1/8" wall
Heavy-Duty, Commercial Pro: 1/4"
For All Models:
SILENCER Pump Weight: 235 lbs.
Head & Tailgate Height: 67 1/2"
Inside Chute Height: 67 1/2"
Total Width (Doors Open): 67"
Total Width Doors Closed (including hydraulic levers): 59"
Fitted Hoses: Yes
30ft of Extension Hose: Yes
Reinforced Construction: Yes
Primed Before Painted: Yes
Oil-based Urethane Bearings: Yes
130 Polyethylene Contact Points: Yes
Standard 3 Spool Hydraulic: Yes